The Perils of Living With a Demon...by Lucid
After Talin stumbled into Alexs life, he will do whatever it takes to ensure that they stay together forever. (quick story, unedited, written in 3 hours)
IRIS - INTRODUCTION by soufiane Lby Soufiane Alwali
In a world shrouded in mystery and foreboding, an envoy embarks on a perilous journey. His footsteps resonate, initially confident but soon tainted by hesitation. He sta...
We Are The Chosenby itsoliviaanne
A selection of poems that define a magic, dark fate.
Inspired or extracted from an upcoming book of mine ...
The second book of the Ynladn series.
@Olivia Anne 2018...
The Lost Angel by gabe_thelostangel
This story describes
A lot
There will be
Few pages
Of your life
I'm not a perfect writer
I just write to feel better
From all the things I suffer
The Sweet Votharian Lifeby Trevor Miscewitz
Aaron Petali is the father of the late Barney Petali and were also Flower Humans. They were special for their ancestors helping the ancestors of the Season Elves bringin...
Freak's Art Bookby XxQuinnxX
Beware of the shittery, is this shit even art? Yeah I'mma just put my shit drawings on here because it couldn't possibly be any worse. Feel free to say how truly horribl...
This story resonates around a witch, living in the dark woods embracing the silence in the forest. But her fate changes when she is invited to the biggest party of the c...
The Truth Untoldby K
kim Ma-Ri is a simple girl who shifts to a new place , but is totally unaware of the secrets it hold , not knowing her ownself , and her past , holding back all the dark...
Poetical // The Therapistby kinkkyyyoverload
my collection of poems. these are my thoughts expressed in a passive & poetic sense.
not some regular stuff, emotionally influential.
from my heart to yours.
Showbiz pizza the Retributionby J.D.Bolden & A.B.Darden
What happens when the son of the man who burned down the showbiz pizza place 20 years ago Sneak's into with his friends to see if everyone is telling the truth about his...