Otayuri - The story is mostly written from Yuri Plisetsky's prospective, focusing on the day before Yuuri and Viktor get married. Everyone is in Hasetsu for it, Yuri is 18 at this point and he hasn't seen his best friend, Otabek, in a long time. The first chapter is pretty tame, but the story will probably head in a less PG13+ as it goes on. Viktor makes everyone wear a Yukata to their wedding... it get's, interesting. **Yuri and Otabek only see each other sporadically after Barcelona, therefore, it's an alternate story that doesn't count the events of 'Welcome to the Madness' (sadly, because that sh*t is pure gold, but doesn't work with this story). Finally, Yakov has retired, Viktor is now Yuri's coach and he is currently in the processes of moving to Hasetsu. The character's aren't mine (sadly) and the image was found on google because, if only I could draw.