Takes place after Season 1 of the Total Drama Reboot (2023) RATE: PG-13 (For topics revolving around mental health and abusive couples) A year ago, Chris McLean gathered sixteen contestants to Total Drama Island for a reboot and a chance to win a million dollars. Now this season, they're back to win again, this time with two new competitors with them and...wait, what are Heather and Alejandro doing back on the show? And as hosts? Anyways, They will travel around the world, see amazing sights, and even see some places that are more than meets the eye. This season, they'll have twice the thrills, twice the challenge, twice the drama and some surprise familiar faces? What secrets will be unfolded by these contestants? What dangers or challenges await for them? Who will sink? Who will swim? Who will be friendly or who will be friendless? And what happened to Chris McLean? Find out now in this season of Total...Drama...Around The World!!! (Oc's belong to me and nothing else and this is just my own version of Season 2 of the Reboot so it isn't canon.)
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