"Magic and Mayhem" a fascinating tale of friendship and love. A girl named Stephanie Emerson living happily with her parents Samantha and Joseph Emerson. Gets a chance to go to the finest school 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' and there she meets the famous boy with the lightning scar named Harry Potter. She becomes there friends and along with Ron, Hermione, Harry and Stephanie they dive into the adventures that take place every year. With some troubles and fun. So let's dive in to this magical story of friendship and love. This story starts from year 5 to year 7 This book is a work of series. The credits go to JKR. some plot and characters are mine. Don't copy my work on any of the websites. I hope you all will love my writing. Although English isn't my first language, there can be grammatical errors.
7 parts