
might post a new book soon (NOT A FANFIC I KNOW EVEN IM SHOCKED)


To anyone who would like to know or who is just bored and needs something to read. 
          This morning I saw a neurologist who confirmed that I have epilepsy. For those of you who don't know what that is it means I will have seizures for  the rest of my life. It can be medicated and treated which is good but it means I can't get my permit until spring and I'll have to go through a longer process to get my license. But anyway the point is I'm going through a lot emotionally and I've been so caught up in this that in probably not going to update for a while (i know I'm the worst at this) I'm going to try to get maybe one chapter up during winter break but I'm not sure if I will be I love you all I hope you understand 
          Love Always 


I AM THE WORST AT UPDATING!! I'm sorry my life is sort of hectic right now and I'm not sure when I will be able to post. I love you all so very much and every one of you who takes the time to read my stories or follow me are so important to me. I'll let you know more about what's going on when I know more myself. Love Always


hey.... so sorry but yet again I wont be posting Styles Saved Me rewritten because I've posted a new book! It's called Perfect Timing and that's why I haven't been able to post these past few weeks.  (okay im pretty sure anyone that even read this has lost interest by now) not sure how my posting schedule is going to work but I'm going to keep up with both :) Love Always