I'm 26 years old. I've followed Naruto since I'm 13, and of course being a NarutoxSasuke supported since :P (now a SaradaxBoruto shipper as well!)

I love to write fanfiction and have done it since I can remember. Normally I wrote them in Spanish (my native language), but I've lived overseas for so long that English has lately been my language of choice.

I hope you enjoy my stories :)
  • انضمMay 22, 2019

قصص بقلم Two stars like us
Before Bed / Naruto one-shots compilation بقلم 2starslikeus
Before Bed / Naruto one-shots comp...
I love writing short stories! So here I will be uploading some of them, most will be about SNS of course, but...
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The story you never knew بقلم 2starslikeus
The story you never knew
They have been best friends since that dark-haired boy moved next door almost 10 years ago. But now they're a...
Letters we wrote بقلم 2starslikeus
Letters we wrote
Sasuke leaves the village to travel the world to atone for his crimes and to see it with his newly gained per...
1 قائمة قراءة