"There is no greater agony  than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou

The Broken Crown Series is composed of 4 primary books: Zion, Nixon, Sybil, and The Broken Crown (final book/ungoing).
The extended universe of the Broken Crown Series includes Intimacy, Forgetting Axel, Carth, and Arius.
Some of my works are sequels or are best read in order:
-Sybil is the sequel to Zion.
-Nixon and Zion are stand-alone yet it is encouraged to read both due to giving two sides to the same story
-The Broken Crown can be read as a stand-alone yet it is encouraged to have read Nixon and/or Zion & Sybil before
-Intimacy, Forgetting Axel, Carth, and Arius can be stand-alone.
  • Maryland
  • انضمJune 11, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
AmythestWinter AmythestWinter Sep 28, 2022 09:08PM
Hi everyone  I know I haven’t updated any of my novels for quite some time now. Life just seemed to get in the way.I have started to write again/draft new ideas and I hope to deliver another novel...
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قصص بقلم Amythest Winter
The Broken Crown بقلم AmythestWinter
The Broken Crown
The first time I saw him, my bones turned to water and I knew I would fall at his hands. They called it dest...
Intimacy | ✔️ {Wattys 2017} بقلم AmythestWinter
Intimacy | ✔️ {Wattys 2017}
| Highest Ranking in Werewolf: 9| Completed 4/10/2017 I watched him fall in love. I watched as he took her t...
Sybil (Completed) بقلم AmythestWinter
Sybil (Completed)
《《 Sequel to Zion 》》 The dead should say dead, for death hath laid his hands on them for reasons to never que...
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