
Hi everyone  
          	I know I haven’t updated any of my novels for quite some time now. Life just seemed to get in the way.
          	I have started to write again/draft new ideas and I hope to deliver another novel to you all in the near future. 
          	Thank you all for your kind words, encouragement, and loyalty - especially as I have not been releasing chapters as often. 
          	Amythest ❤️ 


@AmythestWinter Hi will you still work on the broken crown i want to start reading it but don't want to read 45 chapter to not know how it ends. i love your work


Alr everyone I'm new here so don't mind my dumb questions ;)


Olá, tudo bem? Gostaria de convidar você para ler o meu novo DarkRomance
          Trata-se sobre Melissa, uma garota totalmente solitária que quando entra em uma nova escola descobre uma nova versão de si mesma, mas sua vida vira de cabeça pra baixo quando se envolve com Victor, um garoto que desde a primeira vez que a vê fica obcecado por ela.


Subject: We want to license your stories and transform them into amazing Visual Novels  
          Dear Amythest,  
          I hope you're well.  
          I represent Wuri, a platform specializing in converting compelling stories like yours into immersive visual novels. 
          Your narratives on Wattpad have captivated us, and we're excited about the potential collaboration with a talented author like you.  
          Our format creates stories in a vivid, comic-like format, presenting a distinct and immersive experience, making it very different from the long-form text format prevalent on platforms like Wattpad.  
          We are committed to fostering a collaborative and rewarding partnership with authors. As such, we offer an 'upfront license fee' along with a revenue sharing model, where authors receive share of the revenue generated from their stories. 
          We are confident that this partnership could open up an exciting new avenue for bringing your stories to life and reaching a broader audience.  
          Would you be open to further discussing this exciting opportunity? If so, would request you to please share your contact details (email or phone number) to facilitate this dialogue (you can mail us at  
          Thank you for considering this collaboration.  We look forward to potentially enriching your stories with a visual dimension.  
          Warm regards,  
          Pratik  Team Wuri