
I wanted to say this, it is really important, especially for people with depression and anxiety.
          	✴️ ✴️ ✴️
          	Most people try to heal their mental disorders in different ways.
          	You all struggle with your demons every day, some of you since childhood.
          	Suicidal thoughts and panic attacks are making you feel like you are drowning in your own thoughts and body.
          	Every moment is painful for you, the worst memories are floating around.
          	You feel selfish for wanting the pain to stop and you try to find relaxation in different things, some of you in cutting; self-harming.
          	Sometimes, you just want the world to stop for a moment and let you breathe.
          	You're just thinking about how broken you are and how people hurt you all the time.
          	After all, you blame yourself for the things you don't even have any connection with.
          	It is okay not to feel okay.
          	It is not selfish to want to be happy.
          	You are not attention seeker if you're harming yourself, you're just silently praying for the pain to stop.
          	It is okay to hate yourself because there will always be people who will repeat that you're beautiful and keep you alive.
          	It is okay to feel stressed.
          	You are not freak if you shake uncontrolled and fight for breath; it is proof that you're strong.
          	You are you and with all the scars and ghosts from the past, somebody will love you at the end.
          	You're beautiful.


@AngelicLisztomania this is amazing, beautiful and inspiring. and your right with every word you said so thank  you for spreading hope and support ❤️


I wanted to say this, it is really important, especially for people with depression and anxiety.
          ✴️ ✴️ ✴️
          Most people try to heal their mental disorders in different ways.
          You all struggle with your demons every day, some of you since childhood.
          Suicidal thoughts and panic attacks are making you feel like you are drowning in your own thoughts and body.
          Every moment is painful for you, the worst memories are floating around.
          You feel selfish for wanting the pain to stop and you try to find relaxation in different things, some of you in cutting; self-harming.
          Sometimes, you just want the world to stop for a moment and let you breathe.
          You're just thinking about how broken you are and how people hurt you all the time.
          After all, you blame yourself for the things you don't even have any connection with.
          It is okay not to feel okay.
          It is not selfish to want to be happy.
          You are not attention seeker if you're harming yourself, you're just silently praying for the pain to stop.
          It is okay to hate yourself because there will always be people who will repeat that you're beautiful and keep you alive.
          It is okay to feel stressed.
          You are not freak if you shake uncontrolled and fight for breath; it is proof that you're strong.
          You are you and with all the scars and ghosts from the past, somebody will love you at the end.
          You're beautiful.


@AngelicLisztomania this is amazing, beautiful and inspiring. and your right with every word you said so thank  you for spreading hope and support ❤️


first off, like omg i love ur theme && header && icon, they
          are not only aesthetically pleasing but also bee-autiful omg!
          secondly, thank you so much for voting on my stories, i hope
          you enjoyed them a lot despite my not-so-amazing writing,
          if you have any questions, pm me ♥


@ AngelicLisztomania | ♡♡♡


@collideo Hahah, thank you and always!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 