Formerly AsgardianAnglophile

I am Anna of Asgard, and I like warm hugs!


Welcome to my fungeon. Make yourself comfortable.

I have a crazy, as Spongey would say, "imagination", so I am very passionate about expressing my ideas through activities such as writing, acting and painting. I hope to become a professional screenwriter or costume designer!

I love to create original characters, but haven't really published anything with them. You'll see my OC's soon, though. Hopefully. Probably not.

I'm obsessed with Marvel's Earth's Mightiest Heroes themselves, The Avengers. As you can see by my list of works, they're kind of the inspiration to my writing.

I admire and respect everything about Frozen.

Once Upon a Time be my favorite series.

Breaking Benjamin (Benji), Red, Plumb, and Thousand Foot Krutch are the jamz.

I love bizzare, nature-y things like the Immortal Jellyfish, Blue Dragon Sea Slug, Blobfish, Moth Orchid...

I love everybody despite their beliefs or opinions, but above all I love Jesus Christ, the world's real mightiest hero. He has forgiven each and everyone of us for every mistake through His own suffering, loved us despite our countless flaws, and never gave up on us- when we turned away He was right there behind us with arms right open. I encourage you to run to that embrace, because its life changing.


I ship: CaptainSwan, Kristanna, Pepperony, Rumbelle, OutlawQueen,

Favorite characters:

Disney ❇ Elsa, Anna, Stitch, Olaf

Marvel ❇ Loki, Mystique, Thor, Sif, Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Storm, Magneto,

OUAT ❇ Hook, Regina, Rumpelstiltskin, Anna

Thank you for all the follows, comments and votes!

  • somewhere over the rainbow bridge
  • Juntou-seNovember 7, 2013

Última mensagem
AsgardianApostle AsgardianApostle Jun 16, 2016 06:21PM
Why Hiddles? Of all people, why Taylor Swift? !
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