Welcome to BlackWater Productions!
Just a group of guys wanting to tell interesting stories!!
  • انضمSeptember 20, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
BlackWater-Inc BlackWater-Inc Sep 16, 2023 07:12PM
Ch. 3 of Dragon-Monks is out at last. Took more revisions than I initially thought, but after days of going back and forth, it's now available for everyone to read. Enjoy!
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم BlackWater Productions
RWBY: Tales Of The Quarry بقلم BlackWater-Inc
RWBY: Tales Of The Quarry
A completely new story in the world of Remnant. Freedom. Redemption. Justice. Hope. Enlightenment. Rage. So...
Dragon-Monks Volume I: Beginnings (ORIGINAL STORY) بقلم BlackWater-Inc
Dragon-Monks Volume I: Beginnings...
Hello everyone, if the title looks familar to a previous book I discontinued, your correct. My friends and I...
[BETA]Dragon-Monks: The Legend Begins(DISCONTINUED)  بقلم BlackWater-Inc
[BETA]Dragon-Monks: The Legend Beg...
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