
I just saw ep 1 from IDOLISH7 season 2!!! Omg, it's so good!! I'm happy that we get to see more of Re:Vale! If you haven't watch it yet, go watch it!!!


Re:Vale are like ideal senpais, we need more content of them!


I  really  love  your  IDOLISH7  story, it  always  brightens my  day   and  it  makes  me   smile  a  lot. I  have  an  idea  for  the  story. Do  you  think  you  can  put  the  reader and   Tamaki  together. Cause  it  sounds  like  that  they  already  make an adorable  couple and  I think  they'd  make a beautiful  couple. I  love  Tamaki  a  lot  he's my  favorite.


@ user17830345  
            Don't worry! The first idea is still on! 


@Deandra_67  It's  okay  I  understand,  also  is  my  first  idea  still  okay  and  are  still  going  to  use  it. Cause  I  know  you  said   you'll  be using it.


@ user17830345  
            Thanks for the idea again, but I don't think I'll be hoing to use this. In my Idolish7 story, the main ship is reader × Gaku/Ryunosuke. The moments with the other characters are basically fan service. 
            And I also don't think my book would go as far as someome/the reader marrying.
            I'm sorry if I disappointed you with this


Thank you for voting on ‘Your Secret Princess (Yaotome Gaku x Reader)’ I hope you will continue to read it and of course, enjoy it! 


@ Rainbowdancer4494  
            No problem! I really enjoyed the book! Please continue your hard work!~♡


I really love idolish7 ;3 thank you for create this fanfic! :')  i search this kind of fanfic but found none so i glad you write this fanfic ;3.   Fighting writting Messed Up( idolish7)fanfic! ;) 


@ Louisanna2  
            Thanks for your support! I really appreciate it! It's because of people like you that I continue writing. I'm glad you like the story so far! I'll try uploading the next chapter this week, so stay alert! ^^