
Welp, been a while since I posted anything here. 
          	Things have been a bit hectic on my end, thus why I haven't been as active on the boards as I used to be. Hopefully, this ends soon and I finally get to rejoin this community. Will keep on posting here, for the time being; and feel free to contact me via PMs if you want!
          	Regarding Starlight's drop, I've been working on fine-tuning a few of Starlight's drop's main ideas; and will be releasing a few chapters very soon. I don't think I'd be able to keep up with the release schedule that I used to have, mostly due to external circumstances. Still, there should be a new chapter every ten days or so, with more when I'm done rewriting some of the previous chapters, will post an update on the changes for those who don't feel like re-reading the previous chapters.


@RegalChris Thanks, Chris! I'm glad to be back as well!


Welp, been a while since I posted anything here. 
          Things have been a bit hectic on my end, thus why I haven't been as active on the boards as I used to be. Hopefully, this ends soon and I finally get to rejoin this community. Will keep on posting here, for the time being; and feel free to contact me via PMs if you want!
          Regarding Starlight's drop, I've been working on fine-tuning a few of Starlight's drop's main ideas; and will be releasing a few chapters very soon. I don't think I'd be able to keep up with the release schedule that I used to have, mostly due to external circumstances. Still, there should be a new chapter every ten days or so, with more when I'm done rewriting some of the previous chapters, will post an update on the changes for those who don't feel like re-reading the previous chapters.


@RegalChris Thanks, Chris! I'm glad to be back as well!




@ codebreakerr  ouch! Good luck, friend! Go get em!


@codebreakerr Not that you've missed much, old friend. I have been as inactive as humanly possible lately. Hope to get back here now that things are starting to calm down.
            How have you been doing?


Great news everybody, book 1 of Starlight's drop has just ranked for the first time in the fantasy category, rank 975. I will be releasing a bonus chapter next week as celebration!
          It's a bit weird to see this work of mine getting some recognition, and this is all thanks to you friends. Thank you for your continued following of Adrestia and company's tale, and thanks for all the love and feedback you've provided! These are still but Starlight's drop's introductory chapters, and I'll do my best to provide as much quality writing and entertainment as I can.
          Love you all!