
@DianneGreenlay6  I have already read both 1 and 2 of the Quintspinner series, and waiting patiently for the third one. I enjoyed both, and enjoy your writing so much. You certainly have talent.


Thanks Eleanor, for your compliments! I'm working on the third book now. :-)


Hey, I totally didn't get to answer your question before I deleted my Hiatus post. I am very mixed on the Game of Thrones finale, and the final season in general. I don't exactly have a problem with what happened and how things ended up, but I felt that the pace was rushed and certain story details that could have been more fleshed-out were not, leaving a lot of the audience unprepared for certain events.
          I still think it was perfect as far as the actors' performances, the look of everything, and all that. But I do think that Benioff and Weiss were a bit lazy on delivering memorable Scripts and they were wrong not to take the extra season that HBO offered them.
          I'm not one of those people who signed that petition or anything. But I really look forward to the new books coming out, having these events happen but with better execution and better dialogue. The show has really faltered on memorable, quotable lines since they ran out of books. I miss George RR Martin's way with words. :-)


I totally agree about the pace, it chopped a lot of the stories off.  I read where the cost of each season was exorbitant, but they cut it to 6 episodes and even with the few minutes added to each episode did not make up for that. Thanks for your reply in your busy life. I appreciate your time, and your stories. 


Thank you for choosing CHALLENGES: The Foresters, as your reading material. I hope you have a few laughs and may even learn something new. I did a lot of research for the book. I wrote this to offer a bit of fun in a world of turmoil. As they say, laughter is a big healer.  Hope you enjoy it.