Well, welcome to my account, I don't know what I'm going to do with it. Here's some things about this piece of trash that's writing this..
-bisexual my doods,
-s t r e s s e d™,
-I try to write and draw but the products of both could be easily outdone by a seven-year-old,
-I'm a fan of Harry Potter(where are all my Ravenclaws at?),
-I like Broadway musicals and I work backstage at my high school's theatre program,
-I like to write stories with a lot of fantasy or sci-fi feel to them, it adds an extra spice to the mundane world I live in, plus I write about a lot of awkward gay characters.. if you're into that jazz,
-I like memes and puns,
-I play the ukulele because why not,
-I can't keep up with the trends,
-Slowly giving up.

Oh and most importantly I have the supremely inconvenient ability to make every conversation awkward. Sorry in advance.
  • Ravenclaw common room.
  • 已加入July 8, 2018

Last Message
Existential_Mess02 Existential_Mess02 Apr 01, 2019 05:36AM
I have no idea what I'm doing :,)) https://www.wattpad.com/story/182704199
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