
I have no idea what I'm doing :,)) https://www.wattpad.com/story/182704199


Ah we have some stuffs in common^^ 
          I’m a bisexual Ravenclaw too, I’m bloody stressed 24/7, memes and puns all the way, but instead of Ukulele I play acoustic guitar, and instead of behind the curtains, I’m a performer who loves the spotlight. 


Drawing and writing I try, but can’t balance for shite. Also the bit about writing fantasy and sci-fi, and definitely 100% awkward gay couples XD 


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Reading your profile was like reading about myself. I was a techie in high school. Instead of the ukelele, I played dulcimer and flute. And, fashion and trends baffle me. I just kind of do me and say random shit during conversations that make people squirm. Thought I'd get less awkward with age, but no...even in my 30s I can bring a conversation to a screeching halt.


@Existential_Mess02 You eventually collect enough people in your life who find your awkwardness endearing.


@OpalRainDragon Oh jeez this information makes my hope for a less-awkward personality in the future plummet. However if I can inherit some awesome writing styles like you then I believe that just might counteract my horribly uncomfortable teenage experience.