OoooooooK so let's get introductions out of the way! 

HI! I'm Haz Haz Hazikat \{•-•}/

First thing I'm going to say is Nico Nico Niiii (I'm not weeeabooo Do Not Attack)
Second thing I'm gonna say is SHANE DAWSON IS MORE QUEEN THAN QUEEN LATIFAH!!!!! Soooooo what's next......Oh Yeah!!!!! 10 numbers of Hazikat

1. I'm a Girly
2. I'm a Twelvey
3. I got three yess three toy piggles
4. I love love love anime so so so much and I am a multi Fandom Narwhal
5. I'm 5'4 1/2
6. My favorite Anime character of all time isss drumroll....|[^.^]|...Studio Ghibli's...Howl Pendragon Tada !!
7. I hated more than life ( those of you that like this anime plz don't kill me) RWBY
8. Two anime characters I hate more than life ( plzzzzzzz Do Not Kill Me ) Lucy Heartfilia-FairyTail and Yui-Diabolik Lovers
9. Obviously I love potatoes and Pandas and Unicorns and Narwhals and Anipals
10. I love you all and Wish you the best of life *Muah*
  • SumaliJanuary 30, 2017

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