Jo Ramsey is a firm believer that everyone has the power to be a hero in their own lives and the lives of others. Whether someone has been bullied or abused, or insulted, or is just afraid they aren’t strong enough, Jo believes they can do great things if they just find the strength inside them. Her books include characters who do exactly that.

She wrote her first story when she was five, and completed her first book-length manuscript when she was 12. Through junior high, high school, and college, she wrote about 19 more book-length stories, all longhand. Well, she didn’t have a computer back then… Her first young adult novel, Connection, was published in January 2010.

Jo is a former special education teacher who now writes full time and does occasional visits to schools and libraries. She lives in Massachusetts with her two daughters, her husband, a pet mouse, and two cats, one of whom thinks she’s a paperweight.
  • JoinedNovember 14, 2012

Stories by Jo Ramsey