
[Nyx is shattered. She is dead, and has returned to the shadows. Thank you all, and make of it what you will. The account will stand.]


Nyx was bored, and tired. Her bloodlust was up, though not enough for her to do anything about it; only for her to wish a fight would happen. 
          She closed her eyes, flickering as she looked through shadows everywhere. Deciding to start paying more attention, she came to the conclusion of keeping a better watch of people everywhere.
          She sat, her eyes still closed, in a full lotus position, spreading her conscious.


Nyx stirred for the first time since the observer had come for her request. She blinked, then closed her eyes. After a few seconds, the flew open again. She took a second, a clone stepping out of the surrounding shadows to take her place, and she turned.
          "Why has he come back?" She asked herself. She thought about who was still able to help her if things turned bad, and remembered an old friend.
          "I hope she still remembers me." She chuckled, and pulled up her hood, shadows cast upon her face once again. The last time she had seen her friend, she was still hading under her shadows. She might be easier to recognize like this. With a surge of shadows, she vanished.




@Kaisilvae (Oh. OK.  :3)
            Dirk smiled brightly and ran towards her. "Kaaaai!" He tackled her, his arms wrapped around her. "I missed you!"


            (Sorry. I've been absent from Wattpad, and before that I was using other accounts.)
            "Hello." Nyx smiled, turning around to see him.


((I am stopping Roleplaying. I din'g know if it is permanent or not, but if you wish me to paticipate in something, just tell me. I will consider it.
          I am not leaving Wattpad however. Nor am I closing this account. Think of it as being in stasis.))


@Kaisilvae "Whoa...." Dirk watched in awe.


            The trees grew in instants, shooting up until they were far above their head. In less than a minute, the ground was covered with trees, and the stood in the only clearing, next to the black pool. Hills rose on every side, encasing them in a sort of valley. Opening her eyes again, Nyx looked slightly paler, but grinning widely. Her aura died, flickering back out of sight.
            "Well?" She asked, glancing around.


@Kaisilvae Dirk relaxed a bit. "Thank you."


@WhiteKnight101 @Never_Givin_Up
            "Not quite done. That's just what I needed to wipe it all away. Now comes the... Fun part." She grinned, her aura still whipping back and forth across the stark landscape. Her teeth had developed slight points, but she closed her eyes silently.
            All of a sudden, a dusting of soil sprinkled around their feet with no known source. Saplings grew slowly, whilst other plants also planted themselves, spreading across the vastly expanding soil. Nyx's expression changed slightly as she did this, a slight frown deepening her features.