I'm MBlack, I'm 31 years old, and I started writing a couple of years ago, I use it to hopefully better my writing skills so I can publish a book sometime. I mostly write fanfiction about Harry Potter and Teen Wolf, and my favorite ships are Sterek, Tomarry, and Drarry!

I also post my work on AO3 and Fanfiction.net! On AO3 I have more work posted, so if you're interested you can take a peek!
  • Netherlands
  • انضمApril 13, 2020


قصص بقلم MBlack93
You don't own me بقلم MBlack_93
You don't own me
''Death will come for you eventually, Mr. Riddle. My Master will ensure it.'' *** Betrayed by so many people...
The Heir Potter-Black بقلم MBlack_93
The Heir Potter-Black
After surviving the Inferi, Regulus fakes his death and hides in the Muggle world. But just eight years later...
Cross my heart and hope to die بقلم MBlack_93
Cross my heart and hope to die
After his dad is murdered, Stiles takes his revenge and finds another part of himself in his magic. Only to b...
1 قائمة قراءة