Welcome to my
Escape from
  • Floridian all the way
  • انضمJuly 25, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
MaddyisRoll MaddyisRoll Apr 01, 2021 02:15PM
Hello! I posted a chapter to Human She Was! Please look at it and tell me what you think! 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Maddy
Queen She Is بقلم MaddyisRoll
Queen She Is
//Sequal to Human She Was\\ ~ "I don't bow down to anyone. Especially when they are a human scum" I...
Human She Was {UNDER CONSTRUCTION} بقلم MaddyisRoll
"You only hurt those that get close to you, you use them" He only chuckled. "To get what I wa...
Heard the Blaze  بقلم MaddyisRoll
Heard the Blaze
Book #2 of the 2&2 Novels I can't hear. I'm deaf. Now for a werewolf it sucks. You basically can be snuck up...
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