
I have vanished off the face of the Earth for 4 months! Sorry about that... I had to worry about finals and EOCs. It paid off! I passed this semester with above a 4.0 GPA. 
          	Inspiration has struck, so I will be writing in between my summer PE and health courses.
          	I remain, my faithful readers, your Obedient Servant.


I have vanished off the face of the Earth for 4 months! Sorry about that... I had to worry about finals and EOCs. It paid off! I passed this semester with above a 4.0 GPA. 
          Inspiration has struck, so I will be writing in between my summer PE and health courses.
          I remain, my faithful readers, your Obedient Servant.


I haven't been on here in awhile, so I thought I would update all of you on story progress. 
          First off, BLPAI has been renamed!! So when the story is finally republished, it will have a new name.
          Second, I've had major writer's block, so I put the book off to the side for several months. Now, I have some fresh ideas to add into the story to hopefully, make it more enjoyable for everyone.
          Finally, the actual progress update. I am only currently finished writing the sixth chapter, with an undetermined final chapter count. I do know where I want to take this, but I do not know as of now how many chapters it will take to reach the conclusion. I will not be publishing any chapters until the story is fully written, so I cannot give you a date for publish. Hopefully, it will be done by late summer, early fall, depending on my schedule and how well I can transfer the story from my mind to the page.
          This is really long, so I will wrap this up.
          Thank you all so much for your patience. I am writing this story to the best of my ability for your enjoyment. A big thanks to Julia and Olivia for their support and help as I write this story. It means a lot to me.
          See you all soon,


Hello, readers! Due to necessary rewrites, Brûler Les, Ponts Âmes Innocentes has been taken down. When it eventually is republished, please take note that there will be changes to the chapters that were already published. Thanks, and know that I am doing this to make your reading experience better. 
          -Makenzi Daaé