Not posting here, posting on AO3: MarvelFan_1
Dm me on TikTok: brady_j_c
  • Wanda’s bed ;)
  • انضمApril 23, 2022

الرسالة الأخيرة
MarvelFan_2 MarvelFan_2 May 25, 2024 02:13AM
Since dms have been removed, if you want to talk to me dm me on TikTok @brady_j_c
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Lizzie’s Husband :)
Kris Tyson x Male Reader Oneshot بقلم MarvelFan_2
Kris Tyson x Male Reader Oneshot
Pre-transition, so she has a dick. Transphobes in comments will be blocked, and their comments deleted. Parti...
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Mom, Mom, I'm straight ~ Wanda x Y/n بقلم MarvelFan_2
Mom, Mom, I'm straight ~ Wanda x Y...
Discontinued cause I don't know how to continue the story! In a different universe, where gay is the "no...
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Not So Average Couple بقلم MarvelFan_2
Not So Average Couple
NO S3E2 SPOILERS!!! /srs Anyone who comments S3E2 spoilers before 1/28/23 will be deleted and blocked!!! Edri...
7 قوائم قراءة