
Frick, three stories in and only now I remember to make an announcement...
          	I'm writing, and just published, a collection of funny short stories called Chewing Gum for the Mind. Three stories out at the moment. Check it out if you've got enough time for a chuckle.


Thank you so much for adding “Mind the Gap” to your reading list! ❣️
          I hope you will enjoy Evan's and Iris' adventures ☺️!
          I wondered if you might want to give it a try!
          You might like it if you like romance. 
          It is mere brief romance novella of 20 000 words, “Mind The Gap!"  is
          It is in the middle of the "Open Novella Contest" so it would mean a lot to me if you read it, the feedback is invaluable, especially the votes (stars) ! Of course, only if you find yourself drawn in by the blurb and when you have the time!
          Cheers, and have a wonderful day!


Oh the romance does not happen xD They just look at each other from parallel trains and never talk xD Thank you so much for giving it a shot, train topic IS powerful in it!


@EvelynHail Of course! I just like stories set in trains. I'm not a big romance fan though but I'll give it a shot.


Thank you for adding my story to your reading list, and I hope you'll enjoy it!


@sfreader7 No problem. It looks good and funny already without me reading a word. Plus, most of the doors I know are very polite so this story feels new to me.