About me: I'm an autistic, queer, genderqueer, demisexual, ultra-liberal Muslim writer who writes fiction that explores the intersection of sexuality and mysticism. 

Ancilla was ten years in the writing (available for free on Wattpad, although I hope some people will buy it to own! It launched as an independently published novel on December 26, 2023. Follow the links if you want something made of paper with pages you can turn) and I'm currently working on the sequels: Soror Mystica and Adept.

I live in the Midwestern part of the United States with my spouse, four kids, two cats, and a lot of rose bushes. I have a day job in insurance sales.

Pronouns: They/them/theirs

Meyers-Briggs INTJ

Aries, cusp of Taurus, moon in Libra, anaretic ascendant Scorpio in the last degree of my 12th house; born during a lunar eclipse. It doesn't get weirder than that, I don't think.


If you want to private message me (thanks for nothing, Wattpad) here are my social media.

Facebook, of course (checked every other day or so): https://www.facebook.com/sera.maddox.drake/

Instagram, where I put my art (checked daily because I upload daily): https://www.instagram.com/seradrakethebookwyrm/

Amazon author profile (it's there, what can I say):

Goodreads (rarely checked): https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/47646299.Sera_Maddox_Drake

Pinterest (rarely checked):

Medium (seldom checked)

Shamelessly self-publicizing, I say PLEASE BUY MY BOOKS! Universal link, pick your preferred book vendor: https://1link.st/seramaddoxdrake
  • United States
  • JoinedJanuary 1, 2019

Last Message
SeraDrake SeraDrake 2 hours ago
Thank you to @moony_grayson for giving me the idea (and the faith in myself) to illustrate my poetry book, _Excavations_, with my own tiles, rather than with clip art. This will be an ongoing projec...
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Stories by Sera Maddox Drake
Excavations by SeraDrake
Old poems and older poems. Some of these were published in a chapbook, Eleusinian Mysteries, in 1995, under...
ranking #309 in poem See all rankings
Ancilla by SeraDrake
A shy reference librarian, and a college student who was disowned when she refused to submit to conversion th...
Wild Is the Wind: The Art of Ancilla by SeraDrake
Wild Is the Wind: The Art of Ancil...
To put it simply: This is a portfolio of my art. It occurred to me a while after entering my novel in the Be...