Hello! ----@ ----@ ----@ ----@ 

I'm an autistic, queer, genderqueer, demisexual, ultra-liberal, fifty-mumble Muslim nerd who writes fiction that explores the intersection of sexuality and mysticism. I also have poetry published here, and specimens of my art for public browsing. (My art is not commercial. It's strictly a hobby).

I am trapped in the Bible Belt of the Midwest USA with my spouse, four kids, two cats, a snake, a Little Free Banned Book Library, and a lot that we are converting into permaculture with fruit and nut trees, berry brambles, rose bushes, and pollinator gardens. I have a day job in insurance sales. It funds my incurable book addiction.

Anti-war. Anti-Likud. Pro-Palestine. Pro two-state solution.



ANCILLA (published)
SOROR MYSTICA (WIP - outlining)
ADEPT (WIP - outlining)

Ancilla launched as an independently published novel on December 26, 2023. The purchase link is on my website (below).

I published a Wattpad edition of Ancilla for people who are not in a position to buy literature on January 12, 2024, because I believe access to reading material is a human right.

As of May 10, 2024, Ancilla has been a featured @WattpadAfterDark booklist selection in the BDSM category.


Pronouns: They/them/theirs

Meyers-Briggs type: INXJ
Enneagram: 4 with a 5 wing

Star stuff: Aries, cusp of Taurus, moon in Libra, anaretic ascendant Scorpio in the last degree of my 12th house; born during a lunar eclipse. Yes, really.



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seradrakethebookwyrm/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sera.maddox.drake/

Amazon author profile: https://amazon.com/author/seramaddoxdrake

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/47646299.Sera_Maddox_Drake



Discord: serafin5928
  • United States
  • JoinedJanuary 1, 2019

Last Message
SeraDrake SeraDrake 10 hours ago
Check out Crowned Graphics. I earned three covers in Realistic Fantasies, but that's not the only reason I'm doing this shout-out. All the art pages in this cover portfolio are beautiful to behold. ...
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Stories by Sera Maddox Drake
Ancilla by SeraDrake
A shy public reference librarian, and a college dropout who was disowned when she refused to submit to conver...
Ancilla: Serialized Edition by SeraDrake
Ancilla: Serialized Edition
A shy public reference librarian, and a college dropout who was disowned when she refused to submit to conver...
Ancilla's Awards and Reviews by SeraDrake
Ancilla's Awards and Reviews
I decided it was time to make a portfolio for the awards and reviews Ancilla has received. The pages they wer...