
New characters incoming


@SkimReader07 that is a very good point haha  think my eagerness overtook me and my fingers activated before my brain, do wanna say thank you for your stories though I look forward to reading them 


@KirkGood You contradicted yourself, you appreciate something and then go against it by asking, tsk, tsk.


I know you don't do spoilers and appreciate that :-) but which story is the new character for? 


New characters incoming


@SkimReader07 that is a very good point haha  think my eagerness overtook me and my fingers activated before my brain, do wanna say thank you for your stories though I look forward to reading them 


@KirkGood You contradicted yourself, you appreciate something and then go against it by asking, tsk, tsk.


I know you don't do spoilers and appreciate that :-) but which story is the new character for? 


Haha, some dude that I have seen on stories is such an idiot, they keep calling that Great Red is genderless, when that is false, only Ophis and Lilith are genderless, but Great Red is male. And when you disagree with him, he calls you a fake fan, I guess he never reads how they mention Great Red as "he" and refer to Ophis as "it".


@SkimReader07 @SkimReader07 X reader stories huh? That tells you everything you need to know about them then.


@DragongodAstaroth The comment was years ago, about 5 years ago, but I didn't really care since almost everything they read was x reader stories.


Oh man, a lot of f bombs were rolling through my head today, had a talk with @DragonGodAstaroth. He's my main beta reader, I usually don't publish until after I get a review from him, but I think he's got more than he can handle. As a result, we figured I'd need separate beta readers for each story, it would help get chapters out quicker, literally Fighting Chance has caught up with the other two stories, but that's a little easier to do because it follows the novels, whereas the other three are kind of originals after the Trihexa arc, of course with some changes.
          You'd have to have an adept knowledge of the novels and I do mean you have to know the volumes, even the side stories. You'd also have to not be petty and trust me, I'll know who is one and who's not. Keep in mind, I expect extensive reviews, if you don't believe me, you can ask @Yetiman2762 and the aforementioned DGA. I lost @HarpNoteofResilience to the workforce, which is why I'm grateful that I have an office job, so I can type while I work. Another note, should I brainstorm with you, I would expect my ideas to not be leaked or stolen, it's already happened before, it's literally why I keep a small circle on here. That is all and I will be doing the contacting, not the other way around, thanks, have a good day/evening.


@SkimReader07 ……..oh……I have a lot to catch up I see I’ll be there by November for sure if lucky maybe October cause I need atleast a month to relax and recover but November is confirmed for now again I apologise for the inconvenience.


@HarpNoteOfResilience Well, it's over 1000 pages that need to be read, so yeah, gotta disperse the work, just need to find the right people.


I can’t even type correctly due to being tired even if I am getting full hours to sleep and rest my body.


I would like to inform all of you, if any of my works are similar to someone else's, please do let me know. I also advice that you check the dates of when the chapters have been uploaded, probably one of the good things that Wattpad has done, so there isn't any confusion on who uploaded first. As I have noted, the Red Conqueror, is from another story, Roter-Kaiser, which the author is noted in the clarifications page. Another thing is that he has come back with a revised version of Roter-Kaiser, but it's the original betrayal route, but you are welcome to check it out. But as I said, if you find similarities, please let me know, thanks.


@SkimReader07 sorry about that make sure not to do that again also thanks for the advice


@draigr1000 I'm sorry to say, but your previous comments say otherwise. Another thing, unlike the other writer, I did not disclose his name because I do not need readers taking sides. Some of you may enjoy their stories, even if you complain about what they did on my post, I never out them directly, which you did. It is also why I informed the other person to leave you be. I didn't take action until I had others read the story and give me their opinions, they are also authors themselves, I even gave them pictures of the comments, so they knew what both sides are saying.


I've had stuff get blown cause I didn't talk it out pls I won't delete fighting chance it is a great story is my favorite one


It seems people like to steal my name for Irina's mom and never ask for permission, it's kind of getting annoying. I didn't just make up a name on the spot, the name has meaning to it, when I go into that side. If you cannot come up with a name, don't take someone else's or ask for permission before you even do so. Doing it without shows the lack of respect that you have for someone and I will have to look into blocking people. I don't think that is fair to me or anyone else, when we have an idea and someone just blatantly adapts it without permission. We put the thought process in, not you, we came up with the dialog, scenery, you name it. All that work just gets copied because people want clout smh.


@draigr1000 They are more than welcome to, it would help me a lot, thanks


@draigr1000 As I said, if you are taking sides, then please remove my story from your list and you may unfollow me as well. I did not take action, until I received opinions from others first. You say he has evidence, so are you just taking his word for it or have you seen said evidence, so that I can contact said authors that I have taken ideas from. If you have, please give me their names, so I can contact them, please and thank you.


@Yetiman2762 Leave him be, this is between the other writer and I, there should be no taking sides from anyone. There is a reason why I do not say their name because I do not need others going off to bash them in my stead. He has reported me, the reason is unknown and when I say the reason, I mean when you report someone and Wattpad asks why. That is the reason that I mean, he wants to slander my name, that's on him. As I have noted in a previous comment, I went to get second and third opinions because I could have been wrong and I have noted what those opinions said. After I received those opinions, that is when I took action.


So before anyone gets mad, the next update will once again be Fighting Chance, like I said, my beta readers were just engrossed in the story, so they kept reading and I kept writing, but I haven't gone back to it because like I said, it's got 6 more chapters in its queue. There is also a change, initially, I was going to do chapter 20 of Dragon's Freedom, after I finished chapter 19. I'll also be honest, I got a little lazy, why? Well, I just felt like watching anime than writing. More into the regular slice of life ones to incorporate the school life of Issei in Fighting Chance because he is not part of the supernatural world yet. However, since I was discussing it with my beta reader, since there are still characters that still need to be introduced in Red Conqueror. Yeah, just because it reached that point that girls face the consequences, that's not even the halfway point of the story, frankly, I'm not even sure if I am even a third of the story done or even a fourth. So yeah, still more crossover characters to be seen.


@SkimReader07  hey it doesn't matter what you upload there's always quality in your storys and i rather take that then some unfinished product take your time we will be their no matter what


Aye man I am enjoying fight chance so I don’t mind which one get update I just wanna read your story 


@SkimReader07 You are by far the best DXD Fanfiction Writer on the Fanfiction stage and as long as it is not dropped for no reason, we all are willing to wait as long as necessary for a chapter to come out, both you and the Beta writers do so much and for that I and 1k+ others salute you for your effort.


Just so we are clear, just because I updated Fighting Chance does not mean I forgot about the other stories. I literally have the next two chapters of Resurgence done, they need to be reviewed. This is why I updated something at least once a month. There are actually 6 more chapters of Fighting Chance done, but they need to be reviewed as well. Kind of doing double features, so I am working on chapters 19 and 20 of Dragon's Freedom and then next two chapters of Red Conqueror before I get back to Fighting Chance, but like I said, it has 6 chapters already on queue


Man take your time and do what you’ve been doing. People need to understand that you work can’t be rushed, I enjoy your stories and be patient for the next ones. 


@SkimReader07 I'm just sitting back rereading the last couple chapters of each story. Keep up the good work 


@SkimReader07 Great man! Just happy u make such great chapters for each book. Here for you️


Oh man, it just hit me because I have stockpiled loads of chapters for Fighting Chance, I know my beta readers have to review them before they can get released and I realized something. Because I damn near caught up in chapters to Resurgence and Dragon's Freedom as I am working on chapter 15 of Fighting Chance, but I realized that it is much easier because like so many stories, it's a rehash of canon, problem is Issei is not part of the supernatural world, but I get to force him out of his perverted shell, hence why he will call him getting beaten up an epiphany. However, I realized that my other three stories are more originals because most of canon has already happened and has taken a new route. I thought I got burnt out from them, but I realized that was a lie as there are advanced Necromorphs to kill, Cinder has to awaken and cause mischief, and also I still have some characters to introduce in Red Conqueror. I had seen this comment on a different post that talked about Issei's perversion and it said this:  Comment will be below.


The main potential of this anime or light novel series is the main character himself, issei hyoudou, he is not the type of character who would lose his charm if his nature changes, take goku for example, he would surely lose his unique charm that comes from his carefree nature, but issei is a type of character who strives to grow in every possible way to protect his loved ones, That never changes in him, so it feels natural no matter what kind of nature he represents because from the inside he always remains "the same", that's his charm. Even in the original light novel it was confirmed that his perversion was just a disguise to run away from his past, so it feels totally unnecessary to even present him like this. I always had trouble understanding why Ishibumi trained Issei that way and not like his previous protagonist (Tobio), but now I completely understand what he was really trying to do besides fan service.
            To me, it kind of made Issei fun to build, but bringing out his other interests that his perversion shadows and many people don't see it because they never dive deep into a character.


While no one has ever asked this, but I figured that I should put this out. So the artwork that Issei gave Akeno in Fighting Chance, well, anyone of you can get it as well. It's from Gallery Panda, and I only knew about these guys because I went to RTX, hosted by Rooster Teeth, sad to say, they already put out a memo that RTX wasn't happening this year back in January. I'm not a sponsor of Gallery Panda, but for any of you who is looking to get some artwork for your house or apartment, it's all acrylic, you can head there. I know it's expensive like 90$ for one, but at RTX, I got deals, 2 years ago, I bought 3, and last year, I bought 5, so I have 8 in total. They also include a light frame, which can light up the artwork. I reduced the price greatly in story as no way would Issei pay so much for an artwork. But keep in mind, it's why I gave him a job, thus making it more realistic because he had to have had some money to buy his perverted things from before, but he has now sold it off. Another company is Displate, they have metallic posters, which can be hung up by magnets, for Gallery Panda, you just need command strips, so no tools are required. You're likely to see more of the artwork in the story. But that's all I had to say but it was thanks to RTX and Rooster Teeth that I was able to know about Gallery Panda and upgrade the look of my place.


@Vali_sylver Kind of less about Rooster Teeth, but more about Gallery Panda, they're not associated with Rooster Teeth, just getting word out there, some may want some Dragon Ball artwork for Akira, they have that, you know spice up your landscape with artwork. Though usually a chapter did come out on RTX weekend or the 4th of July weekend, but it was RTX that it was decided that I would eventually publish Red Conqueror as that has been on the shelf for months, since 2021 actually


@SkimReader07 Well it seems Rooster Teeth did a lot for you too


Well, damn, what a week, yesterday, Rooster Teeth shuts down and now the creator of Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama, has passed away, my goodness


@KirkGood I know I will have Issei acknowledge it because Dragon Ball does exist in DxD, I don't think those crossover stories realize it, whenever they make their Goku in DxD stories, which are cringe like seriously, they're making pedo stories and don't know it.


@SkimReader07 They are gonna sold off RWBY off their hands soon, since RT is closing down. Heck, even RvB and GEN:LOCK are some that are gonna be sold eventually. If Remake is impossible, just improve what's come next to the new volume.


@SkimReader07 I had just found out about this through one of my friends in discord. I didn't want to believe it at first but when I started seeing it everywhere else...*Sigh* Damn... we lost a legend. Akira Toriyama.... the one who started it all... Rest in peace.