
@TheatreKidButGayer this is my new/ alt account I just hope it works this time


My alt account is @TheartreKidButGayer


@What_Is_Your_Fandom right I sorted it on my new post thanks!


@What_Is_Your_Fandom you right I’ll have to check thanks


            It says user not found. Maybe you spelt it wrong?


My entire family has covid but me, yay


            Thanks I’m hopeful, I think we’ll be fine but still- it’s terrifying 


@Sombrerotuxeodoman I hope you're all okay!! ❤


Post this on everyone you care about wall, because everyone deserves love!!!!
          It doesn't matter how many people you get back because all you need to know is, I love and support you with my whole being, no matter what (unless you do a Jeffrey Dahmer--)
          Please try not to break the love chain!!!!
          I love you man
          (An awesome and adorable human being sent me this to my wall, and about the Jeffery thing...don't worry I'll help you hide and burn the body)


Post this on everyone you care about wall, because everyone deserves love!!!!
          It doesn't matter how many people you get back because all you need to know is, I love and support you with my whole being, no matter what (unless you do a Jeffrey Dahmer--)
          Please try not to break the love chain!!!!
          I love you man
          (An awsome and adorable human being sent me this to my wall, and about the Jeffery thing..don't worry I'll help you hide and burn the body)


Okay, to all my beautiful/handsome/awkward  followers or random weirdos that are reading this because you are either bored or  very, very depressed,
          A) tell me your problems- I love you all and my profile/ DMs is a safe place to seek refuge from all the chaos in your social or personal life- even if you just want a friend, I got chu boo
          &b) please comment what ship book (or any of my books) you would like to see updated next! You’re opinion are sooo important to me and what your wish is my command 