
Hey guys. I've tested my boundaries and have come up with a twisted little gem called Box Cat. I'm currently testing to see if I can get it published so it would help immensely if I could get a few editors and possibly some commentary to make it better (have not created horror like this) ! Thanks :)


Hey guys. I've tested my boundaries and have come up with a twisted little gem called Box Cat. I'm currently testing to see if I can get it published so it would help immensely if I could get a few editors and possibly some commentary to make it better (have not created horror like this) ! Thanks :)


Just finishing up my latest work "Never Say Never". (No, has nothing to do with Bieber, be damned, if anything I'll take it off of An American Tale!) Suggest checking out the first chapter, my first attempt at a Romantic. Also to stay tuned for a new concept I like to call "Box Cat". Be warned, this story will test parts of your mind never thought imaginable! Peace! :3