Hello! You can call me Mika or Duck! I am the official creator of THOW (The Heroes of Wolvarians), and plan to publish the book soon.
  • Anchelmir, Mirchorias, Wolvaria
  • انضمApril 5, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
TheWeirdPlace1998 TheWeirdPlace1998 Apr 07, 2021 08:04PM
As you may have noticed, Chapters 8-10 have been released, but not 11. 11 still needs editing as my editor hasn’t had much time lately, and they’re the only person I trust to have editing power on my...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم M. T. S.
The Hero of Wolves vol 1) بقلم TheWeirdPlace1998
The Hero of Wolves vol 1)
Sorry, this book has been taken down because of publication. If you're interested in the story, save the book...
1 قائمة قراءة