
Second chapter uploaded, and now the story gets good! Please vote guys itll make me feel batter about my writing!


HEY FOLLOWERS! Thanks for hanging on to me all this time, I just uploaded a new one shot, and I hope you guys like it. Also, Camp NaNoWriMo is almost here, which means I'll be working on my love notes collection for the month, and hopefully I'll finish it. I would really appreciate any and all suggestions for letters, so shoot me a message, or email, which is my writing email. Thanks guys, I love you all so much!


I'd be totally happy to do some covers for you!  :D Just private message me with the title of your story, a summary of that story (or I can just go read it if need be), and what you'd want on the cover! :) I really appreciate that you came to me! That makes me so happy. xD