
This account is such a fever dream. Middle school me was delusional. I am so sorry you guys had to deal with me back in my Prime Wattpad Days, rereading all the stuff that I wrote on here has filled me with so much freaking embarrassment. *sobs*


Still, that drawing is close to my heart. I'm never going to delete it from my camera roll.


          	  I bet your art has gotten better! Like AA- I'm so proud of you!


This account is such a fever dream. Middle school me was delusional. I am so sorry you guys had to deal with me back in my Prime Wattpad Days, rereading all the stuff that I wrote on here has filled me with so much freaking embarrassment. *sobs*


Still, that drawing is close to my heart. I'm never going to delete it from my camera roll.


            I bet your art has gotten better! Like AA- I'm so proud of you!


Uhhh. Happy new year?
          I keep promising to write stuff and never do. I haven't been in the Undertale Fandom for a little over a year now- And considering I've been a Fan of this Fandom since 2015 says a lot.
          When I do update and it's Undertale, I'm gonna be a little shocked. I'm gonna try- But who knows? It's 2023 now, I'm way older then I was when I made this account. Things have changed-- A lot.
          I have a new baby sister for one- And she's more than a decade younger then me.
          I have a girlfriend. I have a new community and friends- I'm in so many more Fandoms.
          I guess- You'll see me when you see me.
          Recently I've been writing more original works than fanfiction, so maybe you'll see some of that. Lots of love. Have a good day.


Hey weirdly.
          Don't know of you remember is lol it's been so long. I have no idea of your going to see this but if you do i just wanted to ask how you were doing.


            Yeah! She's the best girlfriend I could ever ask for and an amazing person. :)
            If I ever hurt her, please punch me in the face. 
            Anyways, enough of me being Simp--
            You and Slush are still on my list of Favourite People :3
            You're categorized under Online Family <3
            It's been a highlight talking to you for me too! <3
            I have the brain of a Koala, honestly, all Smooth Brained over in my noggin. :)
            I don't have a lick wisdom, still the impulsive, immature child I was when I met you guys. Except I'm older-
            It's almost my birthday! :D
            Another year closer to death. Another reminder to look at the world and live life! <3
            Gonna be a legal adult in a few years. :)


lmao don't be sorry it's nice to hear from you like this anyways. And hey u got a girlfriend that's great!! I'm so happy for u hun. Slush is really happy to hear from you and bout you too. We both have been doing almost absolutely nothing here tho lol. These past few years have been incredibly dull buuuut talking to you like this has been a highlight for me.
            Oh, and a few things did happen like 2 or 3. Like I switched schools last year so that was there....... Honestly besides that idk if anything else important happened i have the memory of a goldfish lol.


            Oh wowzers, that's long- Sorry-


I did start reading your story again, but I must admit that I still like your Puppets On A String story. I hope you update it soon, in addition to knowing what will happen to error now, more about the charas and the gang


I'm out of quarantine on the 28th but my family is in quarantine till the 12th so my EEG and shaylen's doctor's appointment will be rescheduled. Even if it's not my fault that I'm sick I feel extremely guilty because both my parents are out of work for three weeks and my sister hates me for this. And even if it's not, it's all my fault.


            Absy, it really isn't your fault, I can't take the feeling away from you but you shouldn't feel guilty for something out of your control, your sister's being mean but none of that will ever be you when YOU can't control it.
            I love you lots Absy, I want you to take care of yourself please? I miss you. I wish the best for your parents, I send them luck.


Hey guys, it's been a while (a year) but it's meee Weirdly, back from the dead, sorta-
          I'm here to confirm my Ao3 account is now the account I will be using to post stuff, be warned I will take even longer to post there then I ever was on wattpad, mostly because I have more ideas and I am also reaching the end of my School year which means a lot of tests coming up.
          Also I am rewriting a lot of my stories! :D
          Note to my dear friend Absy: You didn't come to school, are you okay? My DMs are glitching out sorry, also if you told me on Quotev, I didn't see it. I hope you're okay?
          Love you bestie! Also can I invite you to my birthday? It's only you and Rue since you're my besties and I'm too afraid to invite anyone else due to Covid. I send lots of love.


@Weirdly_AwesomeGhost *Sending virtual hugs.....Sent! take the virtual hug?*


            I forgot I couldn't send hearts- Pretend there's hearts there-


I might bring back my stories on Ao3/Archive Of Our Own as Weirdly_TheAwesomeGhosty.
          If there is any other website with my stories on them, just know that that website was NOT given ANY permission to steal or 'borrow' my work.
          Please KINDLY ask the creator to take down my work. 
          And to the people who did steal my work, I saw some of the websites. And while I'm supremely flattered you thought my stuff was good enough to steal, please DON'T.
          That is disrespectful and quite frankly not allowed without my expressed permission, please take it down.
          Love, Weirdly.