
Assalaamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatu'llahi Wa Barakatuhu, i pray you have been in the best of states. i have not been active for a long time here, apologies, sincere ones. May God's protection be upon you all. i am attempting to return this time with sincerity and dedication. however, i may mostly speak of palestine. i will try my best to share a couple of tokens because i do have plenty stored. it barely feels right to do though. 
          	forgive me please. 
          	lots of love, 


@adropofhumanity وعليكم السلام عليكم ورحمتہ اللہ❤️


@adropofhumanity walaikumslam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. ameen, praying for the same for you. take care <3


"I apologize for posting here, but I believe it's important for people to be as aware as possible so that they can readily support the #boycott and offer prayers for the people of Palestine."
          "I would like to inform you that while shopping for Ramadan/Eid groceries or any items, please remember to boycott Israeli products. This is the least we can do to show our support. To make it easier, here is a website link you can use while shopping to determine if a product is associated with supporting genocide.
          For those of you, like me, who prefer online shopping due to laziness, please avoid purchasing from Amazon. Additionally, Unilever is a brand to be cautious of. By adding the owner's name to this link, you can determine if a product is of Israeli origin.

          This Ramadan, let's not forget Palestine in our prayers. May Allah (SWT) grant them victory."


Friday: A Day for Du'a
          The Messenger of Allah said:
          "Jumu'ah is comprised of 12 portions of time.
          There is one in which a Muslim who asks Allah for something will have it granted to him. Seek it in the last period after 'Aşr." (Abü Dawüd)
          Remember the people of Palestine, Gazá, Masjid Al-Aqsa, Syria, Afghanistan and the rest of the Ummah in your duãs today.
          May Allah reward the defenders of Al-Aqsa on behaf of the entire Ummah for sacrificing their lives, families and wealth.
          Jazakallahu khair 

