
I admire the English education system. Your writing shows great skill and talent. Good luck in the #planetorplastic contest. I look forward to seeing more stories from you; your first sample was amazing.


Being a perfectionist means you will produce finely crafted stories and provide a good experience for your readers. But always remember that when people offer critiques, they are suggestions and sometimes their tastes just won't match your vision. Always pick and choose advice that helps and be aware some people may be Trolls. Being a writer means growing thick skin. As long as you are intent on improving your writing I think you are on the right track to being a successful writer. Good luck.


@Lyle-Elliott Thank you so much for your kind words! 
            I am a perfectionist, so I have a tendency to be very critical of my writing. I was on cloud nine reading your review, I really can't express how much it means to me. 
            Cheers for the confidence boost, and good luck to you too! :)