Hi, I'm Bexs! (She/they)
I'm 21.

I do all my writing on Ao3 now - Supercorp & SwanQueen - BexsLD
Follow my Tumblr - BexsLD
  • Somewhere Boring
  • انضمMay 26, 2013

الرسالة الأخيرة
beckyd2001 beckyd2001 Jan 31, 2021 11:52PM
Just thought I'd give you all the heads up that I am currently 5.5k into a one-shot sequel to Surviving High School. I wasn't going to write it but it's been living rent free in my head for the past...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Bexs
Surviving College بقلم beckyd2001
Surviving College
I said I wasn't going to, but everything in my little brain was urging me to do it, so, without further ado. ...
+6 أكثر
Gelphie One-Shots بقلم beckyd2001
Gelphie One-Shots
A collection of one shots with our favourite green-girl, Elphaba Thropp, and her *girl*friend Glinda Upland.
Oh, Calamity بقلم beckyd2001
Oh, Calamity
Enchanted Forest AU Somewhat Slow Burn SwanQueen For two years her mother has been organizing balls and get t...
13 قوائم قراءة