
/ not me forgetting I had this
          	also yes discord ,  thanks for breaking while I’m pLOTTING


;;     please  i  need  them  to  live  sobs


          	  / NOO NO I did not forget the baby shhh ,  they’re right here <33
          	  I’ll give u myranth here while disc is down !! 


;;    you  forgot  my  baby  and  now  i  can’t  have  myranth  on  disc  :(


/ not me forgetting I had this
          also yes discord ,  thanks for breaking while I’m pLOTTING


;;     please  i  need  them  to  live  sobs


            / NOO NO I did not forget the baby shhh ,  they’re right here <33
            I’ll give u myranth here while disc is down !! 


;;    you  forgot  my  baby  and  now  i  can’t  have  myranth  on  disc  :(


;;    point  in  timeline:  on  the  run  from  asgard
          i never  knew  how  gorgeous  a  sunset  could  be  until  we  left.


            * Myrage gave his lover’s hand a gentle squeeze ,  his small smile widening just a little bit with a soft chuckle . *   I am being no such thing  —  I am being /genuine/ !  You always look gorgeous ,  but you truly glow in this light .   * The Asgardian lifted Acynth’s interlocked hand and brought it up to his lips ,  bestowing a gentle kiss upon the top of their hand .  He truly thought they were so incredibly gorgeous ,  and swore nobody would ever compare to his lover .  He was so infatuated by the shorter demigod ,  so being able to spend all this time with them as they abandoned Asgard was truly a treat . *   You may not be able to see it ,  but I can .  Watch …   * Myrage raised his free hand up a little bit with his palm facing upwards ,  an illusory mirror forming a couple inches above his hand to present to Acynth . *   See ?


(   never  in  acynth’s  life  had  they  dreamed  of  leaving  asgard.    they  tried  to  convince  themself  that  they  were  /happy/,   that  their  life  wasn’t  a  constant  cycle  of  hardship.    but  when  they  finally  reached  their  breaking  point,   they  agreed  to  leave  asgard  and  run  away  with  myrage.   and  while  it  wasn’t  easy,   it  was  a  life  of  adventure.   it  was  thrilling  and  fun.    and  it  was  worth  it  every  night  for  moments  like  this.   acynth  glanced  away  from  the  sunset,   redirecting  their attention  onto  their  lover  instead.   the  demigod  smiled  softly  as  they  slid  their  hand  into  myrage’s,   leaning  forward  to  press  a  kiss  to  his  temple.    )     i  do  not,   you’re  simply  being  dramatically  sappy.


            It is quite gorgeous ,  isn’t it ?   * It had been a long day of the pair continuing to run from Asgard ,  constantly on their toes just in case the armies would find their location .  Myrage wanted to keep Acynth safe ,  and by the Gods would he do so by any means necessary .  However ,  the pair finally had some time to breathe ,  sitting close to the edge of a cliff as they gazed out towards the horizon . *   A sunset will never compare to you ,  although it is beautiful .  Oranges ,  reds …  / purples / …   * The man turned his gaze onto the demigod ,  a soft smile coming to his lips . *   You glow beneath the golden hue .