
//   A BIGGG happy birthday to the amazingly talented and beautiful Daisy Ridley !!!!  such a legend .  
          	we love you daisy ❤️ 


          // this is so crap lol I literally didn’t know what to say because I hardly roleplay with Padme’s 


// that’s quite alright !  :)  it happens lol 
            the transparent spirit remained there ,  not a sudden movement  nor facial expression written upon her face .    “  Ben is who you truly are underneath all this deception you try to be .   It is your birth right , my grandson .   “    she begins to step closer ,  her hand reaching out  to touch  the side of his face .   “ there is still  good in you .  much like your grandfather .  “  her voice echoed  in a soft whisper ,  sounding angelic like . 
            @KnightOfRen-  * . 


@diplomatics // I forgot to answer! 
            “It’s Kylo now..” He said as his brows furrowed at his grandmother’s spirit. “I’m takin my grandfather’s place as emperor, I’m finishing what he started.” 


// no, no it’s fine !  i like it c:   
            “ Ben .  .   —    “   the younger looking spirit  appeared before him ,  her voice almost a whisper .   
            @KnightOfRen- * .  


so -  what was grandfather like when he was young - ?  


“ your grandfather . .  when he was young .   oh ,  so dreamy .   “  her eyes filled with  love  as she daydreamed of anakin .   “  strong  and truly such a kind and compassionate person .    “  she smiled small ,  the love in her eyes suddenly fading .   
            // ADE BABY ❤️❤️ 
            @adelineskywalker * . 


“ my lady may I speak with you ? “ 


she nodded her head in agreement ,  smiling wider .   “  you and ben are wonderful together .   a perfect little family .  “  she beamed .   “  i already consider you as my own ,   dear  .  i always have .  “   she looked to rey with much proud in her eyes .   
            @Scavenger_Scum * . 


“ thank you , my lady . “ Rey nodded respectfully with a nod . “ I look forward to being part of your family . I especially look forward to being related to you . “ 
            { @diplomatics }


“  no ,  my dear .  you have always been so much more  than where you came from .  “   she set a comforting hand on her shoulder .   “   you and i both know that is the truth .   don’t ever let  that define you .   it’s what is in here —  “  she points to her own heart ,   “  that defines you .  “  
            @Scavenger_Scum * . 


The Duchess smiled when her friend entered the room, “Senator Amidala!  It’s so good to see you!”


            “I do wish all of our meetings weren’t always so formal, it’s always great to meet my friend!”  Satine said with a slight laugh.


 padmé  gave her a squeeze in the hug ,  laughing lightly .  she smiled wide ,  her eyes lit up with joy .   “ i missed you , satine .  it’s certainly a pleasant feeling to see you here , and doing well .  “ 
            @DuchessOfMandalore ༄❁


            The duchess wrapped her arms around the young senator and pulled her into a tight hug, “I’ve missed you Padme.”


"Senator Amidala.  It's always a pleasure to see you. "Palpatine smiled .


“ hmm . .   “   padmé’s eyes glanced to the floor  with a disappointing  look .   “  perhaps I could  try to go and persuade them .  we need them in agreement with us ,  chancellor .   “    knowing full well she had the advantage being secretly married to one of them , she just needed to speak with anakin on this matter . 
            @EmperorTerror ༄❁


            "Yes. Though I'm afraid the Jedi Order is struggling to come up with a solution to our little federation situation.  We are not in agreement. " he rested his hands behind his back. 


“  chancellor palpatine .  “  the senator smiled ,  giving him a respectful nod .   “  the pleasures all mine .  i trust you’re doing well . “ 
            @EmperorTerror ༄❁