
Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say that I might have to step back from Wattpad a bit now ONC is over. I will try and catch up with reading the ONCs I have in my library and lists but I'm experiencing a bit of a crisis of confidence in my off-Wattpad works and am struggling with my manuscript a lot. 
          	I don't really have anything to post on Wattpad atm until my Moby Dick space AU is completed offline (want to try out the scheduled posting for that!) so it won't change anything about my Wattpad writing but it just might take a bit longer to get anything up here.
          	Good luck to everyone in the ONC, I'm kinda hoping Chimera does okay to give me a bit of a boost in faith XD


@empiresofwater very valid I hope everything goes well!


@empiresofwater We are all so proud of you, Katie. Can't wait to see what you do next!


          	  You should have this, and thanks for sharing a great story, beautifully written.
          	  By the way, the scheduled posting works very well - surprise!  ;D)


Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say that I might have to step back from Wattpad a bit now ONC is over. I will try and catch up with reading the ONCs I have in my library and lists but I'm experiencing a bit of a crisis of confidence in my off-Wattpad works and am struggling with my manuscript a lot. 
          I don't really have anything to post on Wattpad atm until my Moby Dick space AU is completed offline (want to try out the scheduled posting for that!) so it won't change anything about my Wattpad writing but it just might take a bit longer to get anything up here.
          Good luck to everyone in the ONC, I'm kinda hoping Chimera does okay to give me a bit of a boost in faith XD


@empiresofwater very valid I hope everything goes well!


@empiresofwater We are all so proud of you, Katie. Can't wait to see what you do next!


            You should have this, and thanks for sharing a great story, beautifully written.
            By the way, the scheduled posting works very well - surprise!  ;D)


I've just submitted Chimera to Round Three of the ONC! This is my first completed ONC entry and my first time submitting to anything beyond Round Two of the ONC so I'm excited. I've loved reading and interacting with people through ONC and thank you to everyone who has read, commented, voted on Chimera. 
          What's next for my writing? My main focus is off-Wattpad now, as you know. I have Book 3 of the Nightingale/Courtney trilogy to finish and send off, and then I have a couple of projects that I will be focusing on but I can't say anything about them at the moment. 
          As for Wattpad writing, I *can* say about that haha. Chimera is my first dip back into science-fiction after a long time away from writing it and I have fallen back in love with the genre. Wattpad will be my space (no pun intended) for my sci fi stories within the 'Stars Lead the Way' universe, including: 
          Astra Nova - When a ship goes missing in the hostile Lacuna system, broken BASE astronaut Veronica 'Ron' Walsh has to team up with the BASE's rival space agency on Mars, and their rising star Astrid, to find out what happened to it. 
          Darkside - Commander Rhett Palmer is sent to the decaying moon base Colchis to discover its viability for future operations, uncovering intrigue and secrets along the way and dealing with his own past trauma. 
          First of all though, I will be finishing my Moby-Dick space AU novella, The Heartless Void, which I have got about 25k down of and meant to finish before ONC took over! 
          Thank you again for reading and supporting. I'm still hoping to gain some visibility on Wattpad and hope that sci fi might be the way! 


@empiresofwater Those sound like fascinating projects! Eager to check them out!


@empiresofwater Congratulations! Completing an entry for the ONC is no easy feat. I can't wait to finish Chimera in the coming days ✨


@empiresofwater congratulations on finishing the ONC! That's such an amazing and impressive achievement!!!


So in light of the changes to Wattpad's DM feature, I thought it'd be worth saying where I can be contacted. To be absolutely honest, I barely used the DM feature on here – the one use I had for it was blocking those creepy guys that message you 'hey' and then ask if you're married which are a major icky problem, so it'll be good to see the back of them. All my social media can be found in the linktree on my bio and you are free to message me on Insta/Twitter/Discord etc. 
          I think it's also worth saying that, though there seems to be a mass exodus from Wattpad at the moment, I won't be leaving. I have had my issues with Wattpad and visibility but the bottom line is there is not another reading and writing community like it. I have made many friends here and Wattpad remains the best place for me to put my non-publishing non-histfic work. I'm still hoping to gain some success here so I will be staying.
          All the best xx


@empiresofwater for some reason your bio's now reappeared:) 


@empiresofwater WP (for me, anyway) has always been first and foremost about the joy of writing (and reading), and having the freedom to experiment. I remember being shocked that anyone actually read anything of mine, let alone liked it, and still am. 
            Hopefully it can continue to provide that space for people, if we are canny and creative about how we use it x


@empiresofwater  absolutely, 100% trad is where you with your talent belong. I seriously adore your work and I am rooting for you to find bigger audience in trad. Your writing is sublime!


Congratulations to everyone who got through Round 2 of the ONC! So great to see lots of names I recognise on there and stories I love. Chimera got through and in more good news, she is now complete! Sitting at 33k words, I’m so happy with how she’s turned out and I’m so pleased I finished with plenty of time to spare and a comfortable word margin.
          Thank you to everyone who has read Chimera and commented and voted! I appreciate all of you. Now, head on over to see how the sci fi ends! I will be uploading more sci fis soon as I have fallen completely back in love with the genre!


@empiresofwater CONGRATS YAY!!!!!! heading over to read now!!!


It was a pleasure, thanks for your great support on every ONC! And congrats :)


It's The Devil to Pay's publication day! For all of you who have followed me on here for a while, you'll remember Leeward which was originally all up on Wattpad and then a couple of years ago was picked up by a publisher. The Devil to Pay is the second book in what turned into a three-book trad pubbed deal! 
          I'm so excited to have this out in the world. It was a tough book to write, following Leeward, and I went through a lot of stages of frustration and lack of confidence. But I fell in love with it by the end and am so thrilled that people finally get to read it! 
          Thank you to everyone who has been with me for both my Wattpad stories and my published books. I'm so grateful to have met so many amazing people on here!
          Here is the link to The Devil to Pay if anyone is interested: https://geni.us/TDTP


Fantastic, Katie! ♥️✨


congratulations Katie!!


@empiresofwater Congratulations Empress  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️! I am loving this for you! I am sure that your three-book trad pubbed deal shall expand even more. 
            So awesomesauce!


Chapter Sixteen, Anomaly, of Chimera is now up! The BASE finally contacts the ship, with dire news. Only two or so chapters left to go now! Thanks to everyone who has taken this weird sci fi ride with me ❤️ and good luck to everyone submitting to Round Two! Hope that Chimera gets through and that all you do too :) 


I’m sure it will <3