「 intl. army 」

» in love with homo/hetero bts concepts - mood variant
» i ship taekook ≥ i ship myself with jungkook
⇒ [ that's a jOKE! don't take it seriously lmao ]
⇒ [ this is an obsession-free, saesang-free household. ]
» living without taekook is like being dead

『 ult.bias is justin seagull - ult.bias wrecker n/a 』
『 bts trash - taekook sewage 』
『 current status : alive and kicking [🦵] 』

« i don't bite - i'm not a vampire (yet) »
« ships : t o o m a n y t o c o u n t »
« taekook is more than just my religion - it's life »

F I C S //
- pick-up lines [completed]
- pervert lines [completed]
- edifice [completed]
- bts scenarios ; maknae line [ongoing]
- exam halls [ongoing]

「 r a i n 」
  • — i’m [so] fine —
  • انضمMay 19, 2018

الرسالة الأخيرة
ggukfinitae ggukfinitae Feb 09, 2021 12:09AM
ahahahahaha hey guys— i’m aware i’ve been missing for a while- and i’m going to have to say that i really won’t be very active. it’s not that i don’t WANT to write. it’s simply that this year is ver...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم —RAIN ♨︎
EDIFICE | tk (✓) بقلم ggukfinitae
EDIFICE | tk (✓)
❝ What was that? ❞ ❝ The elevator. ❞ ❝ It's not moving! ❞ ❝ I can see that, dumbass. ❞ ー in which Jeon Jungko...
BTS SCENARIOS | mkl  بقلم ggukfinitae
a collection of scenarios of the maknae-line of bts
EXAM HALLS | tk بقلم ggukfinitae
❝ Cherry. Give me your exam paper. ❞ ❝ No. Write your own stupid exam. Oh, and shut up before you get us both...
ranking #973 في toptaehyung إظهار جميع المراتِب
1 قائمة قراءة