I write because I love to write... not because I'm any good at it. But if you've stumbled across my page, I hope you find something worthwhile. 

I don't have a schedule for updates... some weeks, I update daily. It just depends on how busy work is, but I will always have at least one update a week.

Here's a list of my works grouped by series:


1. Star Blessed
2. Moon Cursed

1. The Opal Witch
2. The Opal Witch: Prophecy

1. Southern Charms
2. Southern Secrets

The Island Curse

1. Forbidden
2. Defiant



My Secret to Keep

The Grail: Legacy

**A First for Noel
**Trusting Campbell
**samples- full stories available on Amazon

The Letter
  • Mississippi
  • انضمSeptember 27, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
heater0387 heater0387 Jul 24, 2024 02:45AM
New chapter is up for The Alpha's Queen!
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم H.M. Hood
Aesthetics and Mood Boards بقلم heater0387
Aesthetics and Mood Boards
Just a collection of aesthetic boards I've created as part of my writing process.
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The Deathsinger: Book 2 بقلم heater0387
قصة أصلية لـ واتباد
The Deathsinger: Book 2
With the safety of her old life a distant memory, Morana must reconcile the girl she used to be with the woma...
The Alpha's Queen بقلم heater0387
The Alpha's Queen
Devany Sterling spent her entire childhood moving between one foster family and the next. As an adult, she fo...
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12 قوائم قراءة