
Posted the first chapter of seven stories I’ve started working on in the past and never finished.
          	If you want to, go check them out and let me know which one you’d like to see me work on first!
          	(I should be able to finish them all eventually!)


@lorilacy omg same, I can't wait to read it!! the start is really well written <3


@the_beigeangel that one has been stuck in my head for years I’m so excited to get it into writing!


Posted the first chapter of seven stories I’ve started working on in the past and never finished.
          If you want to, go check them out and let me know which one you’d like to see me work on first!
          (I should be able to finish them all eventually!)


@lorilacy omg same, I can't wait to read it!! the start is really well written <3


@the_beigeangel that one has been stuck in my head for years I’m so excited to get it into writing!


Oh my god where were you 
          I thought you disappeared 
          Are you alright 


@canlove_happentwice lol well keep Posting and I'll stop by some other day see you soon


@canlove_happentwice I’m okay! I’ve been working a lot so I haven’t had any time to be on here :’) unfortunately I still don’t but I pulled some old stuff to post so my account doesn’t start collecting cobwebs lmao


I’ve decided to bring back a couple old stories of mine from the graveyard.
          By old, I mean REALLY old. Like, one of them was the first BTS fanfic I ever wrote and I deleted it bc it’s terrible lmao
          But I’ll bring it and one other older story back for the nostalgia of it all and as a “I’m sorry I haven’t been giving you anything new but when I’m not disgustingly busy with work and moving I will light a fire under my butt and give you something new”
          Please be gentle with these lmao they’re not good but we can laugh at them together ❤️