
Not much but it's a start!


I've been working on a new Daryl Dixon story for quite  while now. I've been trying to just write things down as they come to me instead of trying to force a story out. I feel like I'm getting closer to being able to get the first several chapters finished but I want to wait until they are finished and I feel comfortable with moving forward with the story before posting anything. If anybody would be interested in being a beta reader let me know. Feel free to message me with any thoughts or questions! Thanks all!


Okay so, I didn't like how my other stories were going so I took them down. I will eventually republish them after some severe editing and such. I just published the Prologue to my new story Masters of Mischief. It's a Fred Weasley love story that takes place over the course of several years. I'm going to try and stick to the books as closely as I can while introducing new characters and situations so I hope you guys will check it out and I hope you like it. I am half way done with the first chapter so I will be posting that fairly soon. Thanks for taking the time to read my stories and I hope you enjoy them. Please leave a vote or comment! I love feedback and suggestions!