
ben barnes tho...


@notyouraveragebug facts tho!!!! that man is so fine!!


Lmao I didn't end up moving and everything is way chaotic rn ngl. Goal is to survive a wedding this weekend then convince the guy im talking to to talk to my dad so I can hang out w/ him again and finish watching star wars.


@notyouraveragebug bery good plans if i say so


My house is going up for sale in 13 days. I’m moving before my junior year in high school. God dammit I had so much going for me this coming year. I was so close to being happy and now I’m just sobbing bc I don’t know what to do. I’m leaving everything behind and I don’t know how I’m gonna survive. I just wanna be happy! Why do I always get so close and then it gets taken away? I don’t wanna move I wanna stay and that’s probably selfish bc everyone else wants to move but shouldn’t what I want be considered too? Why do I have to sacrifice everything just so other ppl can be happy? Is that what life is about? Kinda feels like it at this point.


@aqqle_pi oh thanks I wasn’t really expecting a response I just was gonna rant but thanks. And idk I guess I just want my brothers and family to be happy and if moving can do that for them than maybe I won’t be happy but at least they will so I’m trying to be ok with it bc I feel like they deserve to be happy and I’m not sure I do. Plus it’s only two years so how bad could it be?


this message may be offensive
@notyouraveragebug im sorry ⟟ know what it feels like too move so often ⟟ hate it  when life is unstablr. 1 idk it happens to me too 2 you should be considered its fucked up ⟟ hate not being considered people need to understand it changes you/us too 3 you should never have to sacrifice everhing 4 its not what life is about, if you cant figure out what in life its about live to spite everyone else…im not good with comforting people sorry :[ but ⟟ hope this helped ⏃ little bit<3 stay safe and take care of yourself


Guys I’m so screwed. It’s almost 2 am and I’m lying in be listening to Taylor swift. So obviously there’s a guy and we are coworkers and I started this little game I guess where we visit each other during our shifts and it’s low key killing me. I can’t stop thinking about him and looking at like the one picture rod him and he just makes me so happy. But I don’t have his number and I don’t work with him this coming week and so most of our conversations are just non verbal and filled with laughing and making faces and smirking on his part with eye rolling on my end. And oh my gosh I can’t explain how he makes me feel but I’m also really conflicted bc he’s a coworker and I guess I’ve been through a lot recently with guys and it’s all been bad and I guess I’m a bad judge of character so I’m kinda worried that he might not be a good guy like I think and just that he’s gonna be like the other guys and uhhhh idk. Help pls? I’m so conflicted and confused and I’m not sure what’s real with him anymore… why is this so hard? I just wanna be in a happy relationship.


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
I’ve decided guys suck. I’m so done with being sexually harassed and assaulted. I’m done getting notifications from Snapchat that are just guys asking for nudes. I’m done checking my dms on Instagram thinking that a guy wants to be a friend only for him to try and get in my pants the second I respond. I’m done being used, manipulated, and sexualized. If you have a problem with that or think I’m being dramatic lmk and I’ll give u the details of all of the guy shit I’ve had to deal with in the past 9 months alone. If you’re a guy tho pls don’t do theses things it only leaves girls feeling hurt and confused, mostly wondering if all they’re good for is sex and why this always seems to happen to them bc everyone else gets asked on dates and they get asked to hook up making them think they’re just not good enough tho be a gf since all people want from them is sex. So until guys decided to be decent human beings and stop treating me and other girls like objects I’m done. Thank you.


@notyouraveragebug ⟟ full heartedly agree with this statement 