
Btw I've come up with a nice title for my new book (which I'm super excited for) it's The Drink, the Dragon and the Dame. (alliteration and everything right?!?!)


I have recently started writing a story!! It's going to be 10-20 chapters(rough brackets I know but still) and it's some cool stuff in it like immortality, dragons and some hilarious naïve-ness(in my opinion).
          It's going to be in the fantasy section but really it would be fantasy/sci-fi/adventure if I could pick three. I also hope to have a tad more followers than now(none) but it should be fine if not. I mean, no one would read my story, but it will be fine.
          I intend to get the first chapter up by Christmas Day 2016. Hope someone reads it and likes it!!


like in real term books about 10-15 pages long the chapter and no its not going to take that long to write a chapter but I want to write enough chapters so that I know exactly how my plot is going to go by then and so that I can do regular updates on the book instead of being like 'sorry I was away'. I also like to edit a hell of a lot too


@personwithamind cool i like dragons and how long is each chapter going to be?(Estimation).


@personwithamind why would you take so long to Create a chapter? 