
//comment for a starter! :)


          	  ✘ meee please~ a intro for Alice Blair XD


"You got horns--" the cat boy said as he tilted his head. Poking at the pair of horns that protruded from the other's head with his sharp claws.


            The god smiled and chuckled as he umped onto his bare shoulders, the god's muscular, fur-covered body being revealed. "Well, being the god of all nature, I guess I would smell like pine," he murmured, petting the cat boy a bit more, "what's your name?"


            His cat ears rolled back when the other pet him. His eyes squinted and his shoulders rolled up a bit as a light pur hissed through his chest." You smell of fresh pine." Out of old habits the cat jumped up to the shoulders of the other. His head resting on top of the others as he rested his sharp long hands with deadly claws at his sides.


            "Indeed I do," Tithonus said with a smile, wincing a bit as the cat touched his sensitive antlers, "and you've got kitty ears." He gently stroked the cat ears on the cat boy's head.


"  ty  ,  darling  ,  do  you  want  to  go  over  the  plan   /  once   /   more  ?  "  the  peroxide  blond  asked  ,  folding  her  hands  over  her  lap  as  she  glanced  over  out  at  the  bank  through  the  window  .


❥―  @princeofnature-  :
                   she  giggled  ,  stepping  out  of  the  car  ,  dusting  off  her  rather  short  skirt  .   "  let's  go  cause  a  little  trouble  .  "


            Tithonus grinned and nodded, waving his hand and causing a large vine to come up from the ground and wrap around a nearby cop car as he got into the passenger seat. "This is gonna be fun!" He exclaimed happily.


❥―  @princeofnature-  :
                   the  blond  opened  her  mouth  ,  before  closing  it  .   "  that's  a  better  plan  than  just  shoot  the  place  up  ,  "  she  conceded  ,  opening  the  car  door  .  "  let's  get  this  show  on  the  road  ,  sweets  .  "


the  silver  haired  female  approached  the  male  ,  head  tilted  to  the  side  .  she  left  a  trail  of  snow  and  frost  behind  her  ,  silver  eyes  sparkling  .   "  who  exactly   /  are  /  you  ?  "  she  asked  quietly  ,  a  defensive  tone  to  her  voice  .


❥―  @princeofnature-  :
            ❥―  sorry this is late bby !!
            alaska  tilted  her  head  to  the  side  ,   "  you  control  ice  too  .  "  she  stated  ,  opening  her  palm  and  creating  a  few  snowflakes   .  wonder  filled  her  silvery  hues  as  she  watched  him  ,  stepping  towards  him  ,  a  small  smile  on  her  lips  ,  "  i'm  alaska  .  alaska  frost  .  killer  frost's  daughter  ,  if  you  were  wondering  .  "  she  murmured  .


            The god with the large antlers had been making snow appear and was petting some white snow foxes as he did. Tithonus, being a powerful nature deity and all, controlled all aspects of life, the elements, and weather, so doing all this was no problem. He jumped a bit when he heard the woman suddenly talk to him, his hooves instinctively kicking some snow behind him as he prepared to flee if needed. "I'm uh... I'm Tithonus," he said, fumbling over his words a little bit.