Hello. HI. My name is ROSE and I LOVE everything to do with rowing (includes pain and lots of it). I LOVE my friends,listening to music, Florence+the machine and Bertie Blackman. I love Spotify. I also like Science and Doctor Who and the 10th doctor (Tennant!) and Katherine Tate. Also I'm pretty insane, and very awkward, according to some (most). I'm very weird, like my friends. So..........................
YEAH. That's pretty much it. I think. Yeah, that's it.

Yeah. Yep.

(Lifts eyebrows)
  • A strange place in the middle of nowhere in the middle of a magical forest with mysterious light and unicorns and wolves with my laptop that somehow is plugged into a (tree????) on my wattpad account.
  • InscritJuly 24, 2014
