
 New Community Alert! 
          	Step into the realm of regality where every member is royalty in their own right. Welcome to Cansburg, where camaraderie reigns supreme and every voice is heard like a decree. Whether you're a seasoned noble or a fresh face, this community is your kingdom. Let's build our empire together, one bond at a time. 


 New Community Alert! 
          Step into the realm of regality where every member is royalty in their own right. Welcome to Cansburg, where camaraderie reigns supreme and every voice is heard like a decree. Whether you're a seasoned noble or a fresh face, this community is your kingdom. Let's build our empire together, one bond at a time. 


Taken my graphics show down for now so I can catch up without being overwhelmed ❤️ 
          It’ll be back up in due time once I’ve completed my queue 


@sulkytae thank you! And I really am grateful for you having made this! I get it must have been hard and very difficult for you to make. And I'm sure I'll love it no matter what! I hope you get to feeling better, and get everything done on your own time! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@1HopeAndreaMikaelson ohhh girl no don’t think you were rude or anything!! i’ve just taken it down cause despite having it set as closed now people keep requesting  it’s just overloading me at the moment while i try and export the trailers i’ve made! once it’s finally uploaded to youtube i’ll send the link through DM! and then once my shop is back up, it’ll be posted there ❤️ never ever think of yourself as rude, you weren’t ❤️❤️


@sulkytae  and I am sooooo sorry if I sound like that like "that" kind of person, or rude or anything when I ask: I you mentioned the other day that you had finished the trailer for my book and you were going to up load it today, I was wondering if you'd send it to me in DM's or something. 
            I'm so sorry if that's rude of me to ask, I understand taking breaks for health and everything, I was just curious. 
            I hope you get to feeling better, and everything ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Tore the ligament in my leg, around my knee :c
          Told to rest, and not move around too much; I have two boys that require me to move around a lot.. this will be a fun few weeks


@sulkytae I can only imagine how painful that must've been :(


@solxarzz was putting my son to bed, and my leg went one way and body went the other lol  thank you 