Currently active on discord (dm me)  
*ignore any cringe here this acc is 5 years old
-i check wattpad every once in a while when i remember it exists so try to catch me :) (i will get to you eventually)
  • confused tbh
  • انضمApril 13, 2018

الرسالة الأخيرة
worms0da worms0da Jul 09, 2022 03:22PM
I want to revamp this acc and fix stuff and redo my rp book over cause I want to strangle younger me oh my god or I might just make an entirely new acc idk 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم worms
❝empty hearts❞ || OC Book بقلم worms0da
❝empty hearts❞ || OC Book
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