
My lovely readers: I'm not dead, but I've had death in the family, plus classes, plus work, plus life in general. I'm still writing though. Bear with me! I promise it'll be worth the wait. :)
          	Just so you know, I've updated this story on other sites before this, so they've been waiting even longer! Patience is a virtue! Thanks for all the continued support. It really does mean a lot <3


@zombyswag I'm sorry about your family member! Happy to know that your ok though.  Take your time coming back. I just wanted to make sure you were ok and were gonna finish the story. ;)


My lovely readers: I'm not dead, but I've had death in the family, plus classes, plus work, plus life in general. I'm still writing though. Bear with me! I promise it'll be worth the wait. :)
          Just so you know, I've updated this story on other sites before this, so they've been waiting even longer! Patience is a virtue! Thanks for all the continued support. It really does mean a lot <3


@zombyswag I'm sorry about your family member! Happy to know that your ok though.  Take your time coming back. I just wanted to make sure you were ok and were gonna finish the story. ;)


This book is straight up fabulously sassy and funny! You have got the right personality for Loki,  and Noni is cool,     i  want friends like Danny,Terrance,and Anna! Jenna...I hate her with a passion. I miss Jacob already.  Anyways please update soon cause this brings a smile to my face.


So I'm re-reading my story in order to fix some errors I found and to make sure I'm sticking to the "plot." I use that term loosely until I actually bear down and get into it. I hope to read it by this weekend and post a Chapter on Sunday, but like I said, It's Mom's Day weekend and I'll be working for The Man as well. -_-


Thanks everyone for the wonderful support and comments! It really does mean a lot. Okay, now I posted the new chapter 22 today. It's called The Feast. The other cpater caleld The Feast (21) i renamed to Medicine, because I titled it wrong. Lol. I'll try to reply to you guys individually, but I'm pretty busy. By the way, this story had been written on other sites before this one so now you guys are finally all caught up. Bear with me for chapter 23. I'll try to have it this weekend, but it IS Mother's Day weekend.