Chapter 1

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George was on his way home from college when his friend Alex showed up. "Wait up!" Alex shouted. "Have you got any plans when you get home?" George didn't plan on telling people about what he does, but he did to Alex. "I'm planning on what to do after I graduate. What about you?" Alex was waiting to tell him for a while. "I'm getting a job, but I don't know where. Hopefully not too far away from home." He said being happy.

Alex was outside of his house when George said, "I'm hopefully going to get a job. Wish me luck on that." "I will. See you tomorrow" Alex replied. "See you later." "Bye." George carried on walking back to his house and he couldn't wait to relax from his long day of college. "Welcome home George." His mother said. "How was college today?" "It was great today, and I also walked home with Alex." "I'm glad you had a great day." He was glad to be home after a long day at college. So he went up to his room and he went on his laptop to do some studying before his final exams took place.

Within a couple of hours there was a knock on the door. George went downstairs and opened the door to find Alex standing there. "Hi. I was just wondering if you wanted any help studying for your final exams." "Do you? I've been studying for two hours." Alex hoped that George would be willing to help. "Alright I'll help you study." He offered. "Thanks." He replied. "Follow me to my room and we can study together." They then went upstairs to George's room and studied for the exams at college.

Three hours later, George and Alex decided to put the studying to one side for the day and would continue studying the next day. Alex told George that he was going home. "I'll see you tomorrow in class. Bye." "Okay. Bye." Alex then left and George got dinner for himself and his mother and decided to have a quiet evening at home. "So... how'd the studying go?" his mother asked while eating their dinner. "Just fine, Alex said he would come over tomorrow to study more." George replied with happiness. "That's good of him, and also good of you to help him study."

When they finished their dinner, George said to his mother, "I'm going to bed now. See you in the morning." "Alright then. Goodnight. See you in the morning." "Goodnight." He went back upstairs to his room to get into his pyjamas, went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then got into bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

Hours passed, and George's alarm clock went off and he fell out of bed and banged his head on the bedside table. He stood up and switched the alarm off. He got dressed and went downstairs to have his breakfast when he saw his mother was sat in the living room watching the television. "Morning mum," he said as he yawned. "What are you watching?" he asked. "I'm watching the news. There's been a murder, and I'm worried that the murderer will be somewhere around this area. Just be careful when you leave the house." His mother replied. "I will. I promise." He always kept his word. "By the way I heard a bang a few minutes ago. Are you all right?" she asked when he replied getting his breakfast. "Yes, just fine. My alarm clock went off and when I woke up I fell out of bed and banged my head on my bedside table. That's all, but I'm fine."

George didn't have time to continue their conversation because he had to go to college. "Got to go or I'm going to be late, bye." "Bye." He walked to the bus stop and he could see Alex running up to the bus stop to catch the bus. "Hi George." Alex said to him. "Hi Alex. Did you study when you got home?" "Yes, and also when I finished my breakfast and hopefully going to do some more during free period." The bus then appeared down the street when they were getting ready to get onto the bus.

They got onto the bus, paid for their bus fare to college and sat down and talked until they got there. "Do you think we'll get any homework today?" "I don't know, I've got enough to study for." "Do you want me to help you study again? Or give you pointers and you can study alone? What would you like to do?" Alex was trying to figure out what the decision was. "Could you help me study again please?" "Of course I will. As many times as needed."

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now