Chapter 10

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George's father saw that George became worse as he moved on the bed. He held him down to keep him still as he said, "it's ok George. Just remain calm." Mike and Jonathan's father walked through the door as he said, "he won't be like this for long. Just give him more time." George's father nodded as he replied, "I just don't want my brother to control him. He's not strong enough to fight against someone that will control him. When he's ready, we'll teach him how to fight against people that tries to control him."

George began to come round as he lifted his head up and opened his eyes. "Dad?" "Take it easy George. Your uncle controlled you and you fell to the floor." He helped George to sit up as he said, "me and your mum will make sure that you'll be ok while you train." Mike and Jonathan's father told George, "I told your dad that I'm going to help him to teach you to fight against people that try to control you. I'll make it easy for you to begin with and then make it harder." George nodded as he agreed.

George went to the basement with his parents, Claire, Mike and Jonathan's parents as Claire said, "are you sure about this George? You don't have to do this if you don't want to." "I have to. If my uncle tries again, then I have to be ready so I can defeat him quicker." He wrapped his arm around Claire's shoulder and said, "just don't worry. This should hopefully not take long." "Be careful."

As George let go of Claire, he stood in front of Mike and Jonathan's father as he said, "I want to get this out of the way so that I won't have to learn how to do it later." He took a deep breath as he said, "let's do it." George could feel Mike and Jonathan's father trying to get through his mind as he felt pain in his head. "I won't let you win." George's mother told him, "you can do it George. You're strong." George couldn't fight against Mike and Jonathan's father as he was too strong. He fainted and fell to the ground again.

His father picked him up and carried him back to his room. George's mother said to his father, "he's too strong. George has grown stronger. This shouldn't be happening." "He's not strong enough to take on Mike and Jonathan's father yet. The more training that he does, the stronger he will become." "We'll let him rest and see how he feels." When George's father made George comfortable, he moved his head. "Mum? Dad?" "We're here George." "I don't want to lose this. I don't want to lose you." His father told him, "we'll always be here for you. Come on, we'll check on Mike."

As they went to check on Mike, they saw that he was awake. George asked him, "how are you feeling now?" "Fine. I sensed that you fainted twice. Are you all right?" "I'm fine. I just hate the fact that he knows I'm being protected. He needs to stop. I can't fight him. I'm not strong enough." Mike then encouraged, "you are strong George. You just won't accept it. My dad's too strong for you, that's all." "You're right. I'll rest up and practice when I'm ready."

As they walked downstairs, Claire asked, "are you both feeling better?" Mike answered with a worried look, "I'm fine. It's George I'm worried about." Claire looked to Mike as he said, "I'm sorry about earlier. I know you were only trying to help." "No worries Mike. Everything will be ok when this is all over." Jonathan told Mike, "you just relax. You need to stay away from stress related things. Just... let me take care of you. I'll make sure you stay away from anything stressful until you are well rested." Claire told Jonathan assuringly, "we'll help you take care of Mike. He needs more than your help." Mike thanked her as they then began to share each other's thoughts.

George said, "all I want to know is how my uncle won't leave me alone while I'm being protected. It's keeping me on edge." His mother then spoke and said "I know. This isn't helping at all. It's not helping you. Even though you are strong, I think he wants to test you somehow. I'm not one hundred percent sure but that's my gesture." George's father then added, "I'm sensing that as well. I think that's what he wanted when you went to rescue me." "I don't know dad. I'm too scared to even think about it." His mother told him, "We know you're scared, and you will overcome this. Even if it takes a while, you will get over this. We'll be there for you." "Thanks mum."

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now